25 September 2021
Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
On behalf of the Clergy and People of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina, I am pleased to report the election today of the Very Rev. Daniel P. Richards as the Ninth Bishop of this Diocese by a Special Convention called for this purpose. He was elected on the fifth ballot. We give thanks to God for surrounding us in the power of the Holy Spirit as we prayed, sang hymns, and cast our ballots. I ask your prayers for Bishop-elect Richards and for his family as he begins the transition into this new call.
Once all testimonials have been submitted to the Office of the Presiding Bishop, the process of consent by a majority of bishops in the House of Bishops and a majority of Standing Committees of the Diocese of this Church will begin.
I also ask your prayers and thanksgivings for our other four nominees, the Rev. Furman L. Buchanan, the Rev. Lonnie Lacy, the Rev. R. Jemonde Taylor, and the Rev. D. Seth Donald for offering their gifts, vision, and themselves for the discernment and consideration of this Diocese, and for their families.
With gratitude to God and thanksgiving for the fellowship of the apostles,
blessings and grace in Christ our Lord,
The Rt. Rev. Andrew Waldo, VIII
The Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina
We invite you and your friends to come have some fun at Game Day Each Wednesday at 12noon in the parish hall.
Board and Card Games will vary each week.
We've played Po-Ke-No Bingo; Canasta; Mexican Train Dominoes, and Rumicube so far... many of us had to learn but that was the fun of getting together.
Joan Little is heading up this group.
Bridge Club has been placed on hold, awaiting more interest.
Please call her for more details: (281) 344-7324
Join us for Christian Formation Class
Each Sunday
following the 10AM Service, in the parish hall

I believe it is getting close to planting season in the community garden. The little gardens are open to anyone who wishes to “get down and dirty” by planting your choice of veggies and/or flowers. You must continue to tend your own garden from start to finish. The veggies are yours to keep or give away to the parish or give to Our Daily Rest. Please mark the plots that you choose in some way, so others will know they are spoken for. ENJOY!!

Come Walk the LABYRINTH
We have set up AmazonSmile for anyone who makes purchases through Amazon to have 0.5% of their purchase price to be contributed to Ascension. Please read the information below on how it works.
Additional Information about AmazonSmile...How does AmazonSmile work?
When first visiting AmazonSmile, customers are prompted to select a charitable organization from over one million eligible organizations. In order to browse or shop at AmazonSmile, customers must first select a charitable organization. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the customer’s selected charitable organization.
We have simplified the process for you:
This link will take you directly to smile.amazon.com to support Ascension so you won’t have to search for Ascension among almost a million other organizations. It’s the easiest way for you to find and support Ascension. Just press your control key on your keyboard and click on the link below. You’ll need to sign in to your Amazon account, or create an account. Then follow the prompts and start shopping. It’s very simple.
They do tell you that you’ll need to go to smile.amazon.com/ch/57-0640508 when you want to make purchases and have 0.5% go to Ascension. If not, then it will just go to the Amazon.com page; please bookmark that page, so it’s easy to access in the future. You’ll see at the top of the page – Supporting: Church of the Ascension. If you sign out of your Amazon account, you’ll need to log back in using https://smile.amazon.com/ch/57-0640508. It’s easier just to bookmark the page for future logging in.
2020 - placed on hold for now
Feeding the Hungry
Our Outreach Mission is to reach out to our community and help those in need. Every 3 months we gather together in Ascension's kitchen to prepare a nourishing evening meal that will feed over 100 adults and children. We take the food over to Ann Hope UMC in Seneca around 5pm and serve it out of their kitchen. If this is a service that you'd like to help with; please contact The Church Office (864) 882-2006 for more information.
"RISE AGAINST HUNGER" Was held at Ascension on October 5th, 2019.
It was fantastic...we had 40 volunteers who packed 10,000 meals. (There were 10-12 from Ascension and the rest from Clemson and Seneca). We are grateful to all who helped make this event so fruitful...we will let you know where our meals are going soon. #2030 is possible! Let’s work together to end hunger by the year 2030.
Update: 10,152 meals were sent to Somalia to feed the hungry!! Great Job Everyone.